At Filo d’Erba, the day begins with a rich and flavorful breakfast, with classic sweet and savory products, cakes or other homemade pastries. Are you vegan/vegetarian, suffer from celiac disease, or other food intolerance? Let us know during booking, and we will serve you a great breakfast respecting your needs!
The menu
Our Guests can choose between a wide variety of breakfast products including hot and cold drinks, sweets and savory foods.
Hot and cold beverages
- Espresso or American coffee
- Cappuccino
- Milk
- Black and green tea
- Variety of infusions and herbal teas
- Soy, rice, agave, almond beverages
- Orange juice
- Variety of fruit juices
Bread and sweets
- White, whole wheat, multi-grain bread
- Cakes and homemade pastries
- Variety of croissants
- Variety of jams and marmalades, even without added sugars
- Whole grain muesli with dried fruit or chocolate
- Variety of whole grain cereals (corn flakes, oat flakes, spelt, etc.)
- Fresh seasonal fruits
Savory selections
- Eggs (scrambled, boiled, over-easy)
- Variety of cheeses
- Variety of cold meats
- Seasonal vegetables with dip